A domain name is your address on the web/internet – our domain name for example is all-tech-plus.com.
.com is a popular choice for commercial companies, but equally in Spain many companies use .es, or in the UK .co.uk.
- You will need a domain name if you want to have a website and/or professional e-mail services.
- You can have more than one domain name pointing to the same website, for example you can secure .es, .co.uk and .com if you wish!
Just type in your company name or domain name that you are looking for to check availability. You can make your order direct from the search results.
Once you’ve ordered your domain name, if you need additional services, choose from the ones at the foot of the page.
Our Top Level Domains (tld)
These are the top level domains (domain endings) that we most commonly supply – if you require an alternative please send us an e-mail to support@all-tech-plus.com and we will give you a price for your requirement.
- Spanish domains (.es) are free to transfer and will retain their current expiry dates.
- Other domains will gain an additional year registration.
- If you have a specific domain in mind, type the domain along with the ending for example: mycompany.co.uk (adding the .co.uk if you are looking for .co.uk domain name!)
- com
- es
- net
- org
- info
- eu
- co.uk
When you click to buy or transfer you will be taken to an order form. Once you complete your order an invoice will be sent to your e-mail to arrange payment – either online, bank transfer or Bizum – details will be on the bill.
Prices do not include IVA @ 21%.