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Mastering Business Credibility: 7 Strategies for Local & Online Success

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In the dynamic world of business, establishing and maintaining business credibility is paramount to success. Recently, I conducted a thorough examination of local newspapers and magazines, uncovering a surprising number of businesses that overlooked fundamental aspects of enhancing their credibility. This article delves into seven indispensable strategies derived from this observation, providing actionable insights for businesses aiming to bolster their credibility. Beyond local advertising, we'll explore the crucial role of online presence, underlining the importance of a cohesive digital strategy. As part of our commitment to helping businesses thrive online, we also offer a free online presence audit. See link after the conclusion.

ai image for business credibility article

In the dynamic world of business, establishing and maintaining business credibility is paramount to success. Recently, I conducted a thorough examination of local newspapers and magazines, uncovering a surprising number of businesses that overlooked fundamental aspects of enhancing their credibility. This article delves into seven indispensable strategies derived from this observation, providing actionable insights for businesses aiming to bolster their credibility. Beyond local advertising, we'll explore the crucial role of online presence, underlining the importance of a cohesive digital strategy. As part of our commitment to helping businesses thrive online, we also offer a free online presence audit. See link after the conclusion.

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Location Matters: A Beacon for Your Business

A recent perusal of local magazines unveiled a surprising discovery – 12 advertisers omitted their location. Beyond a mere address, consider incorporating a map to provide a visual reference if space allows, or maybe even sat. nav co-ordinates or What3Words location.

Ensure potential customers can not only find you but also grasp your proximity to their location effortlessly.

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Open for Business: Clearly Define Trading Hours

For service-oriented businesses, articulate your trading hours clearly.

Go beyond a simple listing; provide a concise explanation of why these hours were chosen for example if you offer emergency services 24/7, highlight this prominently.

Including a brief customer-centric message like "We're here when you need us most" adds a touch of reassurance.

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Contact Number: Bridge the Communication Gap

In an unexpected twist, two ads in the same magazine lacked contact numbers altogether. To bridge the communication gap effectively, provide both landline and mobile options.

Clearly indicate the type of contact number and, if possible, include a brief tagline emphasizing the convenience of reaching out for inquiries, bookings, or pricing discussions.

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Personal Touch: Introduce a Contact Name

Infuse a personal touch into your business by including a contact name alongside the phone number.

Beyond a generic "Customer Service" label, use a specific individual's name. This humanizes your business, making it more approachable.

Consider including a friendly message, such as "Ask for [Name] – Your Friendly Guide to [Your Business]."

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Professional Email Address: Reflecting Seriousness

A professional email address, such as info@yourbusiness.com, enhances your brand image.

A dedicated business email reinforces your commitment to professionalism, and it's a subtle indicator of your business's seriousness.

I'm usually put off by companies that contact me using free e-mail addresses!

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Embrace Online Presence: Your Website's Crucial Role

Your website serves as a year-round advertisement, but its impact extends beyond information provision. It is the digital storefront of your business, accessible 24/7.

Showcase not only what you offer but also the unique aspects of your brand. An appealing website builds credibility, indicating professionalism and attention to detail.

Ensure that your website is easy to navigate, and consider including customer testimonials or case studies to reinforce trust.

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Utilize Messaging Apps: WhatsApp, Viber, Skype

Address potential hesitation in contacting mobile numbers by offering free alternatives like WhatsApp and Viber.

Clearly convey this in your ads, letting customers know they can connect with you conveniently and at no cost - use the well recognised icons.

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Google My Business: Establishing a presence on GMB is pivotal for local businesses.

GMB not only enhances your online visibility but also provides customers with crucial information at a glance – your location, contact details, trading hours, and customer reviews (practically all we've covered to now!).

It integrates seamlessly with Google Search and Maps, ensuring that your business is easily discoverable by potential customers in your locality.

A well-optimized GMB page reinforces your local presence, making it an essential tool for building trust and credibility within your community.

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Leverage Social Networks

Maintain pages on major social networks, even if updates are infrequent.

Beyond driving traffic, highlight the specific advantages of following your business on social media. This could include exclusive promotions, behind-the-scenes content, or quick responses to customer inquiries.

Encourage clients to leave reviews, and make it effortless for readers to find your social media pages by including your page names in your advertisements.


Credibility is the linchpin of success in today’s competitive business world. By implementing these strategies, you not only enhance your credibility but also contribute to an improved overall brand image. Here’s a summary of key takeaways:

  • Visual Presence: Ensure your location, contact details, and trading hours are visually accessible.
  • Personal Connection: Humanize your business by including a contact name and fostering a personal touch.
  • Online Engagement: Leverage your website and social media to engage customers and offer additional value.
  • Professionalism: Use professional email addresses to reinforce your commitment to quality.
  • Google My Business: Enhance local visibility and credibility through a well-maintained GMB page.
  • Website Development: Invest in a professionally designed website for a lasting online impression.
  • Take the time to reassess your advertising and online strategy today.


Share your experiences or questions regarding the implementation of these strategies in the comments below. Your insights could help other businesses on their journey to credibility.

Reach out to All Tech Plus

If you would like to boost the credibility of your business, and need some help, why not reach out to Mark at All Tech Plus today? All our contact details can be found on page, and we’ve included some useful links below to help with some of the things we’ve discussed.

Get a GMB Page

Engage All Tech Plus to create your GMB page for enhanced visibility, customer reviews, and accurate business information.

Get a Website

Explore our web design services to create a professional and functional website that complements your business's credibility.

Get a FREE Audit

Take Advantage of Our Free Online Presence Audit and ensure your business is making the most of its digital potential.

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To discover other ways that All Tech Plus can serve you and your business, why not visit our services page for more.

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