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Has someone shared a photo or document with you?

Increasingly not only are we storing photographs and other files online using services like Google Docs/Google Drive, One Drive (Microsoft), Drop box to name just a few but we are also sharing those files with friends and family. The process to do so is not only easy but also convenient, usually just the click of a button next to the photo and filling in an e-mail address does the job. The e-mail typically contains a link inviting the recipient to click, it is at this point that problems can begin…

The e-mails you receive may seem perfectly familiar, they’re from someone you know, the e-mail looks as though it has come from Google (or one of the other online file storage and sharing services) so naturally you feel assured and click the link. Scammers have taken to providing very realistic login pages which will indeed share a document of some sort with you, but by doing so they have just collected your username and password. With this they will gain access to your actual Google account which in turn may give them access to purchases through Google Play or Checkout if you setup a credit card. Did you use the same username and password on this service as other services? Chances are you did, people do this even though it isn’t the best idea. For more information about this scam see the link at the bottom of the page. You can contact us if you are concerned that you have been compromised.

Minimise the risk

  • First of all, an email may appear to be from someone, or an organisation you know, THINK were you expecting an e-mail with an invite to view some photos? If you are sending such invites yourself consider e-mailing ahead under separate cover!
  • Rather than using the login form you are presented with from clicking on the link, use your browser, go to the site first by typing the address in you know (not the one in the link) for the service and login normally. Then click on the link. If it is legitimate you should have access to the shared file without having to do anything further.
  • If you are concerned that your username and password have been compromised use the correct website to change it. For assistance please contact us if you are unsure or have concerns.
  • Always ensure that you have adequate anti-virus software installed. Contact All Tech Plus if you need your system checking or AV software installing. 


I hope you have founded this warning useful, and not too scary. Be safe.

You can read the full article on Android Headlines website here: http://www.androidheadlines.com/2014/03/new-phishing-scam-aims-to-use-google-docs-and-google-drive-against-us.html

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